Baamoc Integrated Services Ltd considers certain facility maintenance services prior in her service provision, and this is due to the preference to which these services belong. We have specialized experts with an enviable wealth of knowledge in proffering NDT services.

Prior to surface mobilization or coating of engineering materials, our NDT techniques are applied for characterization of surface materials. Our NDT expertise cuts across surface and volumetric techniques, depending on the interrogation volume and the information content. We employ ultrasonic surface waves for characterization of surfaces; our engineers critically focus attention on the following aspects;

• Ultrasonic methods
• Eddy current methods
• Eddy current imaging
• Pulsed eddy current testing
• Thermographic methods
• Laser methods
• Atomic force microscopy
• X-ray methods
• X-ray fluorescence methods
• Beta back-scattering methods
• X-ray diffraction
• Magnetic methods
• Magnetic adhesive force
• Magnetically inductive method

Our NDT specialty has proffered an unending solution to the increasing level of deterioration on Asset Integrity management both in the upstream and downstream sectors respectively.